Mount Hard Disk in Linux
Learn how to mount and manage hard disks on Linux systems.
In this article we will be looking at mounting external hard drive in Linux onto a directory. This can be achieved by adding a hard disk to virtual machine, formatting the disk and mounting the disk on a specific Linux directory.
Add hard disk virtual-box
Shutdown the VM >> go to settings >> select storage and add new HDD. Give the HDD size as to how much space you want to add.
Format disk
Start the VM, and now it’s time to create one single partition on the newly added disk
# fdisk -l
-- select the name of the newly added hard disk. look at the size
# fdisk /dev/xvdb
n --> to create new partition
-- hit enter
-- hit enter
-- hit enter
-- hit enter
w --> to save newly created partition
Run below command to re-discover partitions without re-booting the server
Format the newly created partition
mkfs.xfs <partition_name>
Mount disk
Once you have created a full partition on the new hard disk, create a directory where you will mount this disk
mkdir /u03
List the exact name of the partition using below command
# fdisk -l /dev/xvdb
Generally the partition will always be <disk_name> + 01 for first partition. Example, in our case, the partition name is /dev/xvdb01. Mount the partition on /u03 directory
# mount /dev/xvdb01 /u03
Verify the mount is done
df -h
mount -a
Update /etc/fstab file
We want the new hard disk to mount on /u03 even after server restart. To achieve that, we must add entry to /etc/fstab file. First thing, find the UUID of the hard disk
ls -lrt /dev/disk/by-uuid
Copy the UUID from above output for /dev/xvdb disk and add below entry to /etc/fstab file. Make sure to change the UUID as per your server details
vi /etc/fstab
UUID=2a20cd87-f89e-4c59-945f-3700d8d1e08f /u03 xfs defaults 0 0