Oracle 11g installation on Linux
Step-by-step guide to installing Oracle 11g on Linux.
In this article we will look at Oracle 11g installation on Oracle Linux 6.5. We will be using Oracle 11g silent method for installation and database creation.
OS Pre-Requisites
Install Oracle 11g Software
Error – Package Failure
OS Pre-Requisites
Create two directories /u01 and /u02 which will serve the base for the installation and give ownership to Oracle user
mkdir -p /u01 /u02
chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01 /u02
Install oracle-rdbms* package to complete OS level pre-requisites
yum install oracle-rdbms*
The above script will create oracle user also. we need to change password for oracle user
passwd oracle
Switch to Oracle user and update the bash profile
su - oracle
vi .bash_profile
Make sure your bash profile looks like below
# .bash_profile
# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# User specific environment and startup programs
export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_SID=prod
export NLS_LANG=american_america.al32utf8
export NLS_DATE_FORMAT="yyyy-mm-dd:hh24:mi:ss"
export PATH
Export the bash profile
. .bash_profile
Check if ORACLE_HOME is set or not
env | grep ORA
We have two option to install oracle software: Silent Method and GUI method. We will go with silent method as its fast and used by all experienced DBAs.
Install Oracle 11g Software
Download Oracle 11g from and copy files to /u02 using winSCP. Once files are copied via winSCP, unzip them one by one
cd /u02 --> or the location where you copied files
The downloaded files from Oracle will be in zip format, let us unzip the files
unzip <file_1>
unzip <file_2>
If you unzip above files as root user, you need to change ownership
cd /u02
chown -R oracle:oinstall *
Make sure to start xming at windows level as we will use graphical interface to install oracle
Create response file under /tmp location
vi /tmp/11g_response.rsp
Go to 11gR2 installation software location and fire the runInstaller in silent mode
./runInstaller -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -ignorePrereqs -responseFile /tmp/11g_response.rsp
ignoreSysPrereqs will ignore any pre-requisite errors
silent will force runInstaller to run in silent mode (no GUI)
responseFile is the name & location of your response file (create above)
Post installation, run the root scripts and update the bash_profile to reflect correct ORACLE_HOME.
Error – Package Failure
If you see 32 bit packages installation error, follow below
yum -y install i686*
yum -y install glibc-devel-2*i686*
yum -y install glibc-2*i686*
yum -y install libaio-0*i686*
yum -y install libaio-devel-0*i686*
yum -y install libgcc-4*i686*
yum -y install libstdc++-4*i686*
yum -y install compat-libstdc++-33*i686*