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Loops in Linux Shell Scripts

Write efficient loops for automation in shell scripts.

Loops allow you to execute a set of statements n number of times. Generally a loop re-runs a series of statements until a situation or condition is true.

For Loop in Linux

A simple FOR loop defines how many times you would like to run piece of code


for i in {1..5}
    echo "Hello World"

The above FOR LOOP will execute for 5 times. Here i is just a variable (you can use any variable) and {1..5} defines how many times we would like to execute code between do and done.

Break Loop

To break a loop in-between and exit out, we use BREAK command. The below loop will exit when i is 2


for i in {1..5}
    if [ $i -eq 2 ]; then
        echo "Hello World"


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